Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Bye. Bye, Bear!

30 years ago, Bonnie and I would hit practically every Christmas boutique in Concord and Walnut Creek. The problem was that we couldn't afford most of it. At one boutique, we saw the cutest bear tree topper, but it might as well have cost a million dollars. The next best thing was to take a really good mental picture of it and with some inexpensive things and a lot of hot glue, re-create it. For almost 20 years, this little bear sat upon the top of our tree and the kids loved it. This year, I decided to do some real purging of old Christmas ornaments and, because my kids are FULLY grown and the topper was falling apart, this made the list. Norma no longer does the annual ornament/decor "burning," so I had to throw it into the garbage, but not before I took a picture of it for posterity(???).

Thanks for the years of fun, Bear!


Mandy said...

What?? Noooooooooo! :o)

Bonnie said...

Oh no...not Bear! All good things must come to an end. Sniff, sniff!