Thursday, March 1, 2012

Day in Court

The Leals are getting their share of civic duty opportunities. Until last week, Alex served for a month as a juror on a murder trial. A couple of weeks ago, I received this:

This is the fourth time that I have been summoned. The first time, my group was released the day before I was supposed to go. The second time, I made it to the court room but the jury was selected before my turn came up. The third time, I was excused after one day because my secretary died. This time, I made it to the court room, and, again, the jury was selected before my turn came up to be in the "six-pack," the term they use for the six extra jurors that are brought up for possible selection. 54 prospective jurors were in the court room and at the end of the day (yes, it took all day), there were so many excused, that there were only 15 of us left in the seats, so I got close. The process was fascinating.

I'm now safe for a year.

1 comment:

Mandy said...

Oh, thank goodness!